Self-Mastery:  Exclusive Case Study
The 10 Secrets To Self-Mastery
by Steve Roger Phillips “The Warrior of Peace”
Would you like to have less stress? More peace and balance in your life? Or to gain ultimate confidence, health and well being? 
Hey, my name is Steve Roger Phillips, The Warrior of Peace.

Would you like to live the life of your dreams? 

Be happy, Peaceful and the type of person others love to be around? 

Read on for these simple, effective, well-known but little-practiced secrets to optimum health and well-being.
Thank you for taking the time to find out more about these ten secrets. They have helped me, my family and clients, immensely in our lives and I pray that they will also be of help to you. 

Some of them may seem simple, in today’s society we have lost some of the simple pleasures in life and the potency that they hold. 

Nature is the best form of medicine and we have all that we need within to heal from the darkest of hurts, it is just a matter of learning the techniques to help us re-connect. 

Remember that it is action which gets results we can look at a (healthy ☺) cake all day and speculate on how tasty it is but it is only through tasting that we truly know how good it is. 

Enjoy tasting the sweet flavours of these 10 secrets and becoming the person you were born to be.
CASESTUDY: Read on for these simple, effective, well-known but little-practiced secrets to optimum health and well-being....
Do not allow others to take away your power. 

Follow your intuition and bit by bit claw back your life and start to write your own script.

Try some of these secrets in your own life so that you can gain peace, balance and happiness in all areas of your life, the body, mind and spirit.

I will leave you with the beautiful words of a great spiritual leader:
"Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. 

Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviours. 

Keep your behaviours positive because your behaviours become your habits. 

Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. 

Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny". Gandhi
I hope you will enjoy reading the 10 secrets to balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit.

With love, blessings, and gratitude,
Grab Your FREE Copy Of The 10 Secrets To Self-Mastery LIMITED TIME!
10 Part Video Series (Value £97)
"I lost 11lb in the first couple of weeks of working with Steve on the self mastery programme, I am feeling great and I am well on target to achieving my goal. I feel confident that with Steve's support this is going to happen! Thank you." Andy
"When I started working on the Steve Roger Phillips Self Mastery programme I was very teary I couldn't speak without filling up, I was low in confidence and self-esteem and couldn't perform daily tasks. 
Now having worked with Steve I feel confident, I feel happy and balanced and I am looking to fulfill a life long dream of traveling the world working for charities. I could never have thought about doing this if I was still feeling the way I used to so I am eternally grateful for this programme and how it has helped me to transform my life!" Wendy
“At the start of my coaching sessions with Steve, I was in a lot of physical discomfort from a health condition. This was holding me back in all areas of my life. After the 1st session my symptoms were dramatically reduced. 6 weeks on and moving forward I am so grateful to be symptom free.” Angelina
“Have just re-watched your video, it's served as an instant reminder that I can achieve my goals set out for today, thank you Steve.” Tori Saprano
“Brene Brown talks about the power of vulnerability, you have demonstrated this so well in your openness in your videos Steve, I feel blessed to have met and worked with you, well done 😄.” Lynda Barry
“Great videos Steve! Really enjoyed them all. Inspiring story!” Lucy Lord
“Hi Steve, it was a pleasure to listen and understand your journey. Thank you for sharing your self and your life. It is uplifting.” Nicola Thomas DeStefano 
“Steve Roger Phillips you are a really good story teller! The videos you offer are very inspirational, Thank you mate.” James Alexander Barnett
“Very awesome information. You will get great guidance from Steve.” Paul Rodney Turner (The food yogi)
“You are really helping me Steve. Thanks brother” Lee Vaughan
"I started a journey of self-development in January 2017. In the month of March a previous health condition from over a decade ago came back out of the blue. This effected every area of my life, it was holding me back from even getting on with basic tasks. With no obvious cause of my symptoms, conventional medicine could not help me. I have always believed there is a connection between emotional issues and the body, that neglected emotions and stress can manifest as physical symptoms. I chose Steve as a wellness coach because from my personal development I knew the benefits of working with a coach, it was from watching a video Steve had made for his coaching sessions that I knew Steve could help me. 
I completely resonated with everything he said. I knew that the coaching sessions would help me to deal with past emotions that were unresolved. From the very first session Steve was very easy to open up to and completely put me at ease. After the first session my symptoms were dramatically reduced. The meditations within the sessions were very powerful. I also learnt other techniques to release past emotional issues. After the 2nd session and 6 months later I am symptom free. I am very grateful to Steve, for his help, on an emotional level I am feeling more connected, confident and ready to take action, this combined with the physical release of symptoms is allowing me to move forward in all areas of my life." Crystal
“Love watching these videos. To see how much you have changed makes me think about how much I can. Thanks for allowing us to see your journey.” Jolene Evans
“Just wanted to say that I enjoyed your series of videos and that they were very informative and relaxing to watch!” Russ
Your living the dream! Happiest man i know! 
Love your work! Rhys Morris
The 10 Secrets
  • Utilise the power of the breath
  • Hydrate your body
  • Eat delicious food that is great for you
  • Stand on the shoulders of giants
  • Hold others in high regard
  • De-clutter your living space
  • Learn from the best in the field
  • Find inner peace with meditation
  • Humbly pray
  • Be grateful
  • And more...
"Tell me and I forget. 
Teach me and I remember
Involve me and I will learn."
Benjamin Franklin
Grab Your FREE Copy Of The 10 Secrets To Self-Mastery LIMITED TIME!
10 Part Video Series (Value £97)
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